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Mark Pompano


Mark Pompano currently serves as the Director of Security for the Newtown Public Schools in Newton, CT. The tragedy at Sandy Hook that toop place in 2012 affected Mark on both a professional and personal level, as the School’s Principal, Dawn Hotchsprung, was his longtime hometown friend and high school classmate. As a result of the Sandy Hook tragedy, Mark now supervises a staff of 20 school security officers whose primary mission is to ensure the safety and well-being of children, students, faculty, and staff members throughout the Newtown School District.   

Prior to his position in Newtown, Mr. Pompano has served in various law enforcement roles on both coasts of the United States. Mark was a key member of the Statewide Narcotics Task Force (SNTF) where he served as an undercover operative and narcotics investigator. During his 3 year assignment to SNTF, Mark also served as an undercover operative with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Upon the successful completion of his assignment with SNTF, Mark returned to the Naugatuck Police Department where he worked as a Detective, Youth Officer, Patrol Officer, and quickly promoted to the rank of Sergeant, where he performed the duties and responsibilities of Shift Supervisor. 

As a member of the Los Angels Police Deptartment, Central Division, Mark’s preliminary investigation and his discovery of crucial evidence at a gruesome downtown LA murder scene led to the subsequent identification, arrest, and conviction of Chester Turner, who remains to this day, LA’s most prolific serial killer. It also led to the release of a man who was wrongly convicted and imprisoned for a murder actually committed by Chester Turner. During his time with the LAPD, Mark worked with many different divisions and specialized units. Mark was later promoted to the rank of Sergeant, where he served as a Field Supervisor, Assistant Watch Commander, Officer-in-Charge of the Pacific Division Career Criminal Detail, Internal Affairs Investigator, Internal Affairs Advocate, Consent Decree Coordinator, and as Officer-in-Charge of the Pacific Division Senior Lead/Community Relations Office. 

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